Welcome > From Port Lauragais, bram, Negra
River cruise from Port Lauragais
[!!! Document 523 introuvable !!!]Famous for its walls, Carcassonne is a tourist mecca, where the summer heat fades in the shadow of the Count's Castle fortifications Trencavels, these powerful viscounts who once supported the Cathar people. Overlooking the valley, the historical ruins offer to boaters of the Canal du Midi a breathtaking view.
Possibles routes from Carcassonne :
Mini week :
Carcassonne - Homps - Carcassonne : 80 km, 26 écluses, 18 heures
One week :
Carcassonne - Capestang - Carcassonne : 166 km, 36 écluses, 30 heures
[!!! Document 524 introuvable !!!]Carcassonne - seuil de Naurouze - Port Lauragais - Carcassonne: 116 km, env 70 écluses, 40 heures
Two weeks :
Carcassonne - Montgiscard - Carcassonne : 160 km, 66 écluses, 30 heures
Carcassonne - Castelnaudary - Port lauragais - Carcassonne : 116 km, 70 écluses, 58 heures
Carcassonne - Agde - Carcassonne: 252 km, 72 écluses, 50 heures
TO SEE : the medieval city, the Country house St Pierre, the Middle Age Memoirs museum, the city of the birds (flights of the larges raptors of the world)
TO KNOW : The city of Carcassonne is doubly classified with the world heritage of UNESCO since 1197.

Détail de l'image
Bateau de location Pénichette 1107 sur la canal latéral à la Garonne lors d'une croisière fluviale

Most important : The Imaginarium (with is virtual theatre which allows you to relieve the Cathar period of the city